XR company – how are you doing?

Jan 27, 2022

Hey, you! Is your company with XR? We want to know how it’s going!

A person pondering in front of laptops.

HXRC is doing research on companies working with XR, and their needs regarding networking, recruitment, and marketing. Has Covid-19 affected your business? We want to know how you see the future, and map out more ways to support the growth of your business.

Part 1: The Questionnaire

Fill in the questionnaire below – it will take about a minute of your time!

Part 2: The Interview

You can opt in to participate in a remote interview held during the winter of 2022. As a reward, we will provide your company with a customized virtual space in AltspaceVR, which you can use freely! Check out our example showcase below.

This research is a part of two projects: Virtual Trade Show project VTS funded by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council, and Assisting XR Entrepreneurs Forward (AXE4) project AXE4 funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

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