We are a leading XR hub in Europe that connects startups, industries, innovators, students, professionals and investors for co-creation, new business, and talent building.

Helsinki XR Center, the home of Extended Realities, is an incubator for talent, a cultural hub for co-creation and learning for all XR artists, entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists, students and enthusiasts in the field of virtual and augmented reality.

Helsinki XR Center opened its doors in early 2019, and after that, we have had the honour to collaborate with over a hundred organizations, offer working space, equipment and mentoring to over 30 developer hub teams, have thousands of visitors (1900 in 2022, 2800 in 2023) to our premises, including HXRC Showroom, and produce dozens of XR events.

During the years, HXRC has become the largest innovation, development and startup center in the Nordics dedicated to virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) technologies.

Our mission is to continue the ambassador work in the field of Finnish XR.

Helsinki XR Center is located in Arabia, Helsinki, as a part of the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences’ Creative Campus.

The center is operated by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. It works in close cooperation with Finnish Virtual Reality Association FIVR, and the center’s collaboration partners include Yle (Finnish Broadcasting Company), the City of Helsinki, and the Uusimaa Regional Council.

Helsinki XR Center is a participant member of the Metaverse Standards Forum community, board member of the XR4Europe network, and part of the FAIR – Finnish AI Region, which is one of the hubs of European Digital Innovation Hubs Network (EDIH).




  • XR means Extended Reality, an umbrella term for technologies that create, augment and merge digital elements with physical space. They are also known as immersive technologies.
  • XR consists of VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) and MR (Mixed Reality).

Helsinki XR Center team

Our HXRC Team is an innovative, inspiring group of talented people of researchers, technology specialists, start-up experts, hub masters, ecosystem pundits, project lead professionals, event producers, social media pros and amazing advisors.

Are you interested in co-operating with us?  Our team would love to help you find the best way to meet and work together!

Check out our services and contact us via email info(at)helsinkixrcenter.com, or see each team member's contact info below!

Tiina Vuorio

Tiina Vuorio

Head of Unit

tiina.vuorio (at) metropolia.fi
+358 50 523 8819

Santeri Saarinen, XR Technology Expert at Helsinki XR Center

SANTERI Saarinen

Technology Expert

RDI Projects & Workshops

santeri.saarinen (at) metropolia.fi
+358 40 141 2553

Narmeen Marji, XR Expert, Helsinki XR Center

Narmeen Marji

XR Expert

XR Leadership & Project Management

narmeen.marji (at) metropolia.fi
+358 50 427 0491

Janina Rannikko, XR Specialist at Helsinki XR Center

Janina Rannikko

RDI Project Specialist

Project Management, Data Curation & Workshops

janina.rannikko (at) metropolia.fi

Mikko Höök, Technology Expert at HXRC

Mikko Höök

Technology Expert

Showroom, XR projects & Trainee support

mikko.hook (at) metropolia.fi

Emmi Isokirmo, XR Artist, Helsinki XR Center.

Emmi Isokirmo

XR Artist

Project & Trainee lead

emmi.isokirmo (at) metropolia.fi

Jussi Salonen, Network Coordinator, Helsinki XR Center.

Jussi Salonen

Network Coordinator

Start-up support & Visitors

jussi.salonen2 (at) metropolia.fi
+358 50 471 8838

Juho Puurunen, XR Developer, Helsinki XR Center.

Juho Puurunen

XR Developer

Project & Trainee lead

juho.puurunen (at) helsinkixrcenter.com
juho.puurunen (at) metropolia.fi
Meeri Lehto, Marketing Producer at Helsinki XR Center

Julia Hautanen

3D Artist

Project & Trainee lead

julia.hautanen (at) metropolia.fi

Moona Paarto, Executive Producer, Match XR 2023, Helsinki XR Center

Janset Shawash

Urban XR Expert

XR research and development, Communications and Outreach

janset.shawash (at) metropolia.fi

Erson Halili

XR Expert

XR Design & RDI Projects

Fuwad Kalhori

 FAIR consortium