Introducing XR Hub team: Atelier

Jul 12, 2022

Meet Atelier, one of Helsinki XR Center’s Developer Hub teams! Their mission is to bring inspiration and innovation to everyone through optimal interaction solutions for extended reality.

Atelier team member in a VR headset

What does your team do?

Our team is twofold. We are working on a SoundxVision project, a thumb-mounted device which turns hand gestures to meaningful inputs in XR, and Atelier, a creative platform where the input solution from SoundxVision is applied to create virtual objects in the metaverse.

Atelier Logo

Atelier – Software

Soundxvision logo

Soundxvision – Hardware

What is the idea/mission behind your team?

Our mission is to bring inspiration and innovation to everyone through optimal interaction solutions for extended reality. We aim to:

  • Enhance and advance current XR interaction methods.
  • Move towards delivering effortless interactive solutions.
  • Bring efficiency to work and life using innovative XR tools that are easy to adopt and use.

Tell us about your team members!

Our team is a group of innovative, inspiring and talented people: an innovator, a product designer, a marketing expert, an XR designer, and amazing mentors.

We currently have 5 main active members with diverse expertise and 2 advisory boards:

  • Phuoc Trinh (Founder, CEO)
  • Nam Pham (Co-founder, CMO)
  • Linh Trinh (Industrial Designer)
  • Dipanjan Das (Business Development Manager)
  • Olli Tiilikainen (Human-Computer Interaction Expert)
  • Advisory boards: Spatial8 & Next Peak
Atelier team members


What project are you currently working on?

Our first project is a combination of hardware and software to enhance hand tracking in XR.


When and why did you decide to join Helsinki XR Center’s XR developer hub?

In 2021 we were a couple of friends developing an idea together. In March 2022, we joined the developer hub with the SoundxVision project.


As a part of the XR Hub, how has your experience been so far?

Our experience at the hub has been superb! With the support from the hub, we have been able to deliver the first demo of the SoundxVision thumb-mounted controller. We have also had chances to see cool works from other teams, and seen a possibility to collaborate with them in future projects.


What is the most interesting or exciting thing about extended reality?

In the short term, we are excited to see new applications using color passthrough on next gen mixed reality headsets – it will be interesting to be able to interact with reality and the metaverse at the same time.


Contact Atelier


Atelier’s website:

Soundxvision website:



You can find our current and previous teams in the Developer Hub section or read the previous hub team introductions.

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