Introducing XR Hub team: 361

Aug 24, 2020

This one-person team, 361, is founded by the documentary film maker and artist Timo Wright, and creates immersive 360/VR documentary films.

A screenshot from a 360 degree documentary project made by XR Hub team 361. Somebody's living room with two people sitting on the couch and watching tv.

During 2020, we have been posting articles about our XR Hub teams. These articles have been written based on interview questions answered by the teams themselves. If you have missed the previous articles, you can find them in the Hub Team Introductions category!

This time we will introduce to you Timo Wright‘s solo team: 361!



What does your team do?

We (actually I) make immersive 360/VR documentary films.


What is the idea/mission behind your team?

I believe that the full potential of VR and 360 hasn’t yet been seen in documentary films. These new technologies could let the viewer immerse themselves into a compelling story in the interesting ways.


Tell us about your team members!

This is a one-person team, at the moment.

I am a documentary film maker and artist, and my works have been exhibited extensively in Finland and also abroad.


What project are you currently working on?

361 is a short documentary series about different homes and ways of life. It is filmed in 360-degrees by the protagonists of the films. It aims to show various ways of being and living, and the beauty and humor of the everyday life.

MONO NO AWARE is a short 360 -degree documentary about the empty towns around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, which where abandoned in 2011 after the catastrophic nuclear accident. This film will be released in late 2021.

MATSURI (working title) is a short 360 -degree documentary about a neighborhood in Tokyo, Japan, getting ready to celebrate a local neighborhood festival. This film will be released in late 2021.

DIGITAL.US (working title) is a remotely shot documentary, which mostly happens in different virtual worlds and multiverses. This film is in development stage and will be released in 2022.


Why did you decide to join Helsinki XR Center’s XR developer hub?

I’ve been fascinated in these new technologies, but have lacked the resources and contacts to dive deeper into these new worlds. Helsinki XR Center has been very important on many levels in helping me work on these projects, learn new skills and meet some really interesting people.


When did you join the XR Hub, and how long had your team existed before joining?

I joined in 2019.


As a part of the XR Hub, how has your experience been so far?

It’s been a great experience. As mentioned, such interesting people, new and inspiring ideas and some cool gear to investigate!


What is the most interesting or exciting thing about extended reality?

I believe that the true potential of extended reality/realities has yet to been seen, we have barely started. I believe that there will be some really fascinating ways of experiencing and creating fictitious or true stories.


A screenshot from a 360 degree documentary project made by XR Hub team 361. An empty classroom.

This post is a part of the article series about Helsinki XR Center’s hub teams. In this series, we have been posting team introductions on a weekly basis during the year of 2020. This has been your chance to get to know our talented XR community!

If you missed the earlier XR Hub team introductions, they are available in our website’s News section.

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