Dare to imagine new digital futures? Got a team or a project in XR or the metaverse? Let us help your vision come true! Apply NOW for the Helsinki XR Center Developer Hub for a chance to access our cozy offices, the latest equipment, coaching, and a like-minded community – for free! The deadline for the current round is the 13th of February.

Helsinki XR Center (HXRC) offers shared work space and equipment for teams, companies and individuals in their early phase of development of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and Metaverse projects.
We are in it for the revolution! We want to help you entrepreneurs, technologists, thinkers and artists to create solutions that dare to imagine what kind of meaning immersive and spatial computing technology could and should convey for the human being.
What we look for in a team
- Fresh, smart and fearless application ideas. Relevant skills to realise those ideas.
- Devotion of time to the project. Getting things done.
- Fire and dedication to develop your vision and skills.
- Willingness to learn from others and help others learn from you. An open mind that contributes to the community.
- Need for resources: the more you can benefit from our program, the better.
What we offer
- 800 square meters of comfortable and modern shared office spaces with a kitchen, meeting rooms, and an event space on Metropolia’s Arabia Creative Campus.
- Quality shared equipment from workstations to XR devices.
- State-of-the-art Showroom space for audience, customer, and investor showcases.
- A developer community to become a part of and build.
- Events all around the year for meeting peers, mentors, enthusiasts and collaborators, as much as the public health situation allows.
- Coaching and contacts for business development, tech, creative, funding experts and others.
Using the space and its equipment does not cost anything nor bind the team in any way. All the work and rights to it stay within the developing team.
How the process works
Our development program is based on a periodical, peer-reviewed format with individual goals for each team or project:
- A three-month trial period where the central idea of your vision is fleshed out, resulting in a demo. Can you show the skill and resolve to produce something concrete?
- Continuation periods for three months at a time, where we set up a roadmap and development path together for the next 12 months, driven by the team, and follow up on progress at three month intervals with deadlines. The mission is to keep the team on a good track and ambitious pace while leaving room for trial and error, necessary pivoting and learning.
Send your application our way and become a part of Europe’s leading XR hub!
Contact: info@helsinkixrcenter.com
Helsinki XR Center is operated by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.
Get to know our current Developer Hub teams.
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