Trail is a booking system used at HXRC. With it, Developer Hub teams can loan equipment, rooms and workspaces.

What is Trail?

With increased traffic at HXRC, we want to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity to use both equipment and spaces we provide. The Trail booking system is a tool to ensure access and avoid double booking.

Trail works both in a browser and on mobile.

Booking is available for Developer Hub teams and Metropolia staff working in the HXRC space.

What can I book?

  • Equipment
    • AR/VR headsets, computers, cameras…
  • Rooms
    • Showroom, Co-Creation, meeting rooms…
  • Workspaces
    • Stations with a PC and a screen.

De minimis

Company/team! Please fill in the De Minimis form before your first loan! You can also find the form in the box to the right. ->

If you need help with the form, our staff will be happy to help.

Filling the forms is very imporant since our (and by extension your) future funding depends on being able to prove that the equipment and spaces have been used.

How to book?

1. Fill in the De Minimis form

2. Send a Trail account request to
• Mention your email address.
• If your teammates need accounts, send their info too.

3. Log in at
• or scan the QR code ->

4. Plan your reservation
• Decide on the time frame.
• Select the equipment, room and/or workspace to book.

5. Confirm and start the loan by clicking “Read all out”

6. After use, click “Return all” to return in Trail
• Return the equipment to storage room!

QR code for HXRC's Trail booking system


HXRC’s Trail is funded through the AXE4 project by: