The Potential of Virtual Learning Environments

February 17, 2025

Can virtual environments support learning? This event will give you basic knowledge about virtual reality (VR) hardware & software, and virtual learning environments.

Agile XR: The Potential of Virtual Learning Environments event on 19 January 2023.

Basic information

  • EVENT: The Potential of Virtual Learning Environments
  • DATE: 19 January 2023, 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM EET
  • ORGANIZER: Agile XR project with the support of Helsinki XR Center
  • LOCATION: Hybrid
  • TICKETS: Free of charge
  • LANGUAGE: English


2:30 pm – VR basics

Introduction to XR and software and hardware

Santeri Saarinen, Helsinki XR Center

3:10 pm – Agile XR

Learnings of Agile XR -project,

Petra Lassenius, specialist Metropolia

3:30 pm – Break

3:45 pm – Panel discussion

The Panel discussion will be around the potential of VR learning environments in education

4 influential guest speakers from the world of VR development will attend the discussion.

4:30-5:15 pm – Testing VR solutions

Exploring different VR -learning environments

Limited capacity of 10 persons.

How to attend

You can attend the event in two ways: on site at Helsinki XR Center, Hämeentie 135A, 3rd Floor, Helsinki (limited capacity), or online via Microsoft Teams.

Sign up to join online

Sign up to join live at the Helsinki XR Center (form only in Finnish)

Behind the event

Augmented Agile teamwork for hybrid learning at Schools

Agile XR is a 2-year Erasmus+ project. Its goal is to learn how to connect with and engage students in online teaching using the combined power of agile rituals and web/XR technology. We focus on supporting teachers and students from upper secondary schools in Europe.

This event is hosted by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences together with Helsinki XR Center.

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