The XR Research Group Index by Helsinki XR Center is a catalogue of XR related research groups, labs and studios from universities and research institutions in Finland.

The XR Research Group Index by Helsinki XR Center gathers research groups, labs, and studios from the Finnish XR field. This catalogue is intended to be used as a tool to find relevant groups doing research in the field of extended reality, such as virtual or augmented reality, for the purposes of cooperation and collaboration.

The index consists of the following: name of the group, the keywords related to their expertise, as well as universities or organizations the groups are affiliated with. In addition, the name cell includes links to the home pages or other most relevant pages of the groups. You can use the search option to find specific words contained in any of the cells. You can also sort the index in alphabetical order by the different columns by pressing the title cell.


This catalogue is ever-changing, with new groups and studios popping up time to time, and old ones are going inactive. Thus, if you notice any missing or incorrect information in the catalogue, please contact us. The information in this index being up to date and correct helps the whole XR community in Finland – and hopefully also internationally.

If you notice that the index does not include a research group, lab, studio, or any other relevant group you know or represent, but would like it to be included, please contact info(at) or fill a short e-lomake form.

XR Research Group Index

Last updated on 23.01.2024

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