This quick manual helps you get started with the use of HXRC Network, a newly established networking platform that brings XR providers and customers together.

As you might know, Helsinki XR Center established a new networking platform, HXRC Network, during the last half of 2022. The main objective of the HXRC Network is to collect stakeholders of the Finnish XR community together in one place to find clients, start cooperation, share knowledge, and promote their products. The platform will also be a portal for customer organizations, like educational institutions, to connect with XR companies, and find talents and solutions for their needs.
If this is the first time you hear about the network, we suggest you read the article about the launch of HXRC Network, or browse through our HXRC Network dedicated web page, and sign up to HXRC Network.
To help you get started with the use of HXRC Network, we created this quick manual. It focuses on the main points of the use of the platform, but more detailed instructions may be expected later on.
If you have anything else to ask about the use of the platform, please contact: janina.rannikko(at)
Getting started
- You can find the platform in
- Without signup and login you can browse through the organizations, offers and requests that are on the platform by clicking the corresponding number on the landing page.
- To use the platform for its full potential, sign up and login.
In the sign up process you create a personal profile for yourself.
- Photo & Introduction: We recommend using your own photo and writing a short introduction of yourself.
- Contact information: Email addresses are not automatically visible in your profile, so if you want others to find it, write it in your About me -section.
- Chat: You can approach others via the chat function, but if the other has turned off notifications, it may take a while to get an answer.
- Tags: Add ready made tags to your interests for better matching algorithms.
- Organization: Assign yourself to an organization to access all platform content.
HXRC Network is primarily for B2B networking, so organization profiles are important. Without an assigned organization a private user can not create offers or requests. You can either join an existing organization or create a new one.
- Organization admin rights: The first person to create a new organization profile becomes the admin of the profile. In a situation where someone has already created a profile for your organization, but you don’t know them or they do not approve you into the organization, please contact janina.rannikko(at)
- Add information: We recommend you to fill in as much information as possible for your organization, especially ready made categories and custom types so the matching algorithms can suggest your organization to others.
- Category tags: Add category tags that include words VR or AR to get your company in the “XR Company” listing.
Offers are key elements in the platform. Offers are always made by an organization, which means that private profiles can not make offers. In an offer an organization can promote their overall competence, or do separate offers for all their services and solutions.
- Offer type: You can do an offer in different types, for now they are: Service, Software, Hardware, Patent, Research Result, and Expertise.
- Offer category: Ready made offer categories help matching algorithms suggest your offer to the right people.
- Contact information: Add email or other contact information in the description, if you wish people to contact you outside the platform.
- Create a general offer: Ideally each XR provider organization would have at least one active offer, which promotes their competence.
- Expired offer: If an offer expires, please remove it.
Requests are other important elements in addition to Offers. Requests are used to find specific solutions, funds or talents. When a request is ready, the matching tool will try to find relevant matches for your request among the members of the platform.
- Request type: Requests can be made in different types. For now these types are: Investment Case Request, Funding Request, Solution Request, Partner Request, Project Request, Hiring Request and Other Request.
- Request visibility: Requests can be visible, invisible or anonymous.
- Contact information: If you desire to be contacted outside the platform, remember to write the contact information in the description section.
- Matching tool: When your request is ready, you can see the matching tool calculating matches for you on the right side of the My requests -screen.
- Expired request: If a request expires, please remove it.
News are short posts that any member can write. We hope that members would share news on the platform to reach potential customers, but also share knowledge for the XR network.
- Content: News can be anything you would like to share with other members of the network!
- Image: If possible, use catchy images!
Groups are smaller clusters of members inside a network. You can create private or open groups for example around a specific topic or for project work, or a smaller network for a specific set of people.
- Private news & events: Groups can create own news and events that are visible only for the group members.
- Share documents: Groups are a good way to share documents within the HXRC Network. Only the group members have access to these documents.
- Group chat: Group members can start private or group chats within the group.

Photo: Kira Vesikko
And that’s it! Now you know the basics of the HXRC Network.
If you and your company do not already have a profile on the platform, we encourage you to create one and start networking right away!
If you need any help with the use of HXRC Network, please contact janina.rannikko(at)
For the common good, spread the word about HXRC Network! Only together we can help the Finnish XR scene shine, thrive and expand to new heights!
All articles about HXRC Network
HXRC Newsletter: October 2023
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HXRC Network: Offers & Requests
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HXRC Network – bringing XR providers & customers together
Helsinki XR Center has recently established a new networking platform, HXRC Network, to fill the gap between extended reality (XR) providers and customers in Finland.
The funding for HXRC Network and its upkeep has come from Assisting XR Entrepreneurs Forward (AXE4) and PedaXR projects.
Find more of our news in the News section.
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