Meet the XR developer interns Mikko & Veli-Matti, who are working to create a virtual Helsinki XR Center!

Creation of a ‘Virtual Helsinki XR Center’ has begun and our team has grown by two new members – meet the XR developer interns Mikko & Veli-Matti. Our XR-team warmly welcomes them to our team!
During the summer, Mikko and Veli-Matti will help in development, planning and building the ‘Virtual Helsinki XR Center’. Like last year, HXRC creates the largest virtual reality focused event in Finland: our flagship event, Match XR 2020. Because the circumstances around the world are still uncertain due to COVID-19, we are prepared to host the event entirely virtually. Veli-Matti and Mikko are deeply involved in the creation of the venue as well as the virtual event.
The event concept is built around the ‘Virtual Helsinki XR Center’. We will use this virtual pavilion as a easily customizable event platform in the future. XR start-ups, businesses, and projects, as well as people generally interested in XR are invited to Match XR to showcase their solutions, skills, and projects. As usual, Match XR provides speeches, showcases, networking, and other program right from the heart of the XR-industry.
For our event visitors, and us it is important that the event is accessible from a variety of devices – and of course through Virtual Reality. During the summer we will follow the exciting, digital building process towards Finland’s biggest virtual reality event! Are you ready? We sure are!

Veli-Matti Järvelä
Just your friendly neighborhood xr designer. I’m super excited to be part of the awesome team at HXRC! It’s an amazing opportunity to be working in such an inspiring and friendly environment.
I’ve been studying XR design since 2018 and it’s been a blessing to have had the support of these awesome people from the beginning.
I’m very enthusiastic when it comes to everything 3D and CGI, motion design being my passion! For HXRC I’ll be creating virtual worlds during the summer!

Mikko Höök
I’m starting my third year as a XR Design student. I like my studies a lot and we have the best group with my fellow students. It’s really awesome to start working here in HXRC and I’m here to give my best as a team member.
My background contains a mix of art and media studies and in 2015 I got really intrested in 3D.
My whole life I’ve been aiming to creative and artistic field of work. I have some work experience on movie production, VFX and working as a cameraman, just to name a few.
As a hobby I paint, draw and illustrate and produce music. I also love gaming, especially with friends. I’m always starting or finishing projects of my own and I would like to think myself as tech-savvy person. I also love fixing devices that are fixable (my coffee maker now works!). My guilty pleasure is buying old and crappy LP records from flea markets.
I don’t have a motto, but if I would, it would be: “Throw me to the wolves, and I’ll return leading the pack.”
Have a great summer!
The COVID-19 quarantine gave us, the Helsinki XR Center team, a great chance to explore virtual ways of working remotely. Our mission was to try out different kinds of virtual reality collaboration tools, and as a result, we wrote articles about our realizations and insights that came along the way.
If you missed the earlier articles, you can find them in the Working Remotely series.