Calling teams and founders in the XR field – join us for an afternoon with industry heavy hitters, Dave Haynes and Petri Rajahalme.
Basic information
- EVENT: XR field afternoon with Dave Haynes and Petri Rajahalme
- DATE: 26th of August 2021, 13:00–17:00
- LOCATION: Helsinki XR Center, Hämeentie 135 A, 00560 Helsinki
About the event
Calling founders and teams in the XR field! Want to meet some industry heavy hitters?
Helsinki XR Center will host a meeting with Dave Haynes, the Director of Developer Ecosystem and Vive X at HTC Vive Europe, and Petri Rajahalme, CEO and investor. The event will be held on Thursday the 26th of August between 1pm and 5pm.
Dave and Petri have been following the XR field for several years, and invested in numerous startups. Now they are looking to build exciting new companies in the XR/metaverse/spatial computing sector, and hence want to meet with as many teams or founders as possible!
You can book 30 minute slots with Dave and Petri through the link below. They are willing to offer their help with your most pressing challenges, network you within the industry, discuss funding opportunities, and help in other ways.
Read more about Helsinki XR Center’s events in the Events section.